
Being environmentally sustainable fashionable. Second installment of the column Did you know that? Curiosities from the green world. Curiosity to be more aware of the impact of actions on the environment to be environmentally sustainable.

5 things to know to make every day greener. We will give you information that will enable you to be more aware of the impact of your actions on the Earth and suggest actions you can take to live a greener life every day.

Natural disinfectants: close your eyes for a moment and think of the words “antibacterial” and “antiseptic” … what immediately comes to mind?

We have been hearing for some time about behavioral rules for waste management paired with the letter ‘R’ of the alphabet.
It is a language game with randomly associated initial R of nouns that define five eco-sustainable virtuous behaviors: Reduce – Reuse – Recycle – Collect – Recover.